Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A new beginning

This time in my life is unpredictable, crazy, hard, and exciting all at the same time. I am headed on mission to Rwanda, Africa in less than 2 months, I am waiting on a response from my Nursing School application, I am moving back home in May and not living on campus next year, My roommate of two years is moving back to New Jersey for good, My boyfriend just moved out on his own, Old friends are graduating from college, getting engaged or married, having children... It feels like my world is spinning 1000 miles per hour and I'm having a hard time keeping up. Things are changing, and they are changing very quickly. Nothing seems simple anymore. Not that this is a bad thing, it's all really exciting... Just different. And scary.

God has absolutely rocked my world since Passion 2011 in January. I was baptized January 25, 2011 and I am, for the first time, learning what it means to have a true relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm going through the book Radical with my church, Jackson Way. It is changing my life and challenging me in ways I never imagined. What I have learned about being a "Christian" my whole life is wrong. Following Jesus demands radical abandonment of myself, my dreams, and my plans followed by radical and immediate obedience to my Father's will at all times. This is a whole new way of thinking, and it is extremely hard to change the way I have thought and acted for so long. I know the Spirit will continue challenging me and changing me, but this "new beginning" has proved to be the biggest struggle I've faced so far in my 19 years of life.

I am becoming desperate for a deeper, stronger relationship with Jesus. I fall every single day, every single moment.. But He picks me back up, dusts me off, and gives me the strength to try again. God is good, His love is enough, and it's time I took Him seriously and gave my entire heart and life to Him.

I don't know what lies ahead for me, but I know God has control of it 
and I know He will work it out for the very best. 
Romans 8:28 "We know that in ALL things, God works for the good of 
those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose"