I've just been thinking, no actually I've been talking a whole lot lately.. And this is the place I've landed...
I really need to learn how to shut my mouth. I don't consider myself a gossip; the first thing they teach you in nursing school is how to keep a secret. That isn't my problem. My problem is talking issues or situations to death. I want to figure everything out & I want to do it right now. So I talk. And I talk some more. And a little more. As if the more I talk around a subject, the closer I will come to figuring it our or finding some sort of solution. Ask Josh, he will tell you how ridiculous I can be with this.
It never works... So why do I continue to do it? I guess I have a really hard time accepting that life happens day-by-day, and sometimes issues take days, months, years to resolve. I could talk for days on end, but it isn't going to speed up time.. I've got to learn how to REST in the Lord. He sees the future. He knows how everything is going to turn out. And HE will provide everything I need to know or do as the time comes. Not right now. But in His timing. See, I know this truth in my head.. But I'm still learning it in my heart.
He is growing me & teaching me every day, but this is the issue that is heaviest on my heart right now. So I'm done talking. There are a million different things going on & a million different viewpoints and opinions about all of it.. But I'm not taking part in the discussion anymore. I'm just going to do what Psalm 46:10 commands: "Be STILL and know that I am God"
Lord help me because in 5 more minutes my mind & my mouth are gonna start running again.. But I know this is what You are asking of me & teaching me today.
Just Hush.
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